V6 breezemail 声望 135 生物系 2024-04-29 14:21:05 上传
Microtubule-Organizing Centers
The organization of microtubule networks is crucial for controlling chromosome segregation during cell division, for positioning and transport of different organelles, and for cell polarity and morphogenesis. The geometry of microtubule arrays strongly depends on the localization and activity of the sites where microtubules are nucleated and where their minus ends are anchored. Such sites are often clustered into structures known as microtubule-organizing centers, which include the centrosomes in animals and spindle pole bodies in fungi. In addition, other microtubules, as well as membrane compartments such as the cell nucleus, the Golgi apparatus, and the cell cortex, can nucleate, stabilize, and tether microtubule minus ends. These activities depend on microtubule-nucleating factors, such as γ-tubulin-containing complexes and their activators and receptors, and microtubule minus end–stabilizing proteins with their binding partners. Here, we provide an overview of the current knowledge on how such factors work together to control microtubule organization in different systems.
V6 刘玉玲 声望 100 生物 2024-02-26 09:29:51 上传
Exercise Is an Adjuvant to Contemporary Dystrophy Treatments
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a lethal genetic disease of muscle wasting for which there is no cure. In healthy muscle, structure and function improve dramatically with exercise. In patients with dystrophy, little is known about the effects of exercise. As contemporary therapies rapidly progress and patients become more active, there is a need to understand the effects of exercise.
V6 breezemail 声望 135 生物系 2024-02-24 07:07:05 上传
Structural and Mechanistic Insights into Protein Translocation
Many proteins are translocated across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane in eukaryotes or the plasma membrane in prokaryotes. These proteins use hydrophobic signal sequences or transmembrane (TM) segments to trigger their translocation through the protein-conducting Sec61/SecY channel. Substrates are first directed to the channel by cytosolic targeting factors, which use hydrophobic pockets to bind diverse signal and TM sequences. Subsequently, these hydrophobic sequences insert into the channel, docking into a groove on the outside of the lateral gate of the channel, where they also interact with lipids. Structural data and biochemical experiments have elucidated how channel partners, the ribosome in cotranslational translocation, and the eukaryotic ER chaperone BiP or the prokaryotic cytosolic SecA ATPase in posttranslational translocation move polypeptides unidirectionally across the membrane. Structures of auxiliary components of the bacterial translocon, YidC and SecD/F, provide additional insight. Taken together, these recent advances result in mechanistic models of protein translocation.
V4 我的名字被取 声望 52 生物系 2024-02-24 01:57:03 上传
Harnessing ancient genomes to study the history of human adaptation
The past several years have witnessed an explosion of successful ancient human genome-sequencing projects, with genomic-scale ancient DNA data sets now available for more than 1,100 ancient human and archaic hominin (for example, Neandertal) individuals. Recent 'evolution in action' analyses have started using these data sets to identify and track the spatiotemporal trajectories of genetic variants associated with human adaptations to novel and changing environments, agricultural lifestyles, and introduced or co-evolving pathogens. Together with evidence of adaptive introgression of genetic variants from archaic hominins to humans and emerging ancient genome data sets for domesticated animals and plants, these studies provide novel insights into human evolution and the evolutionary consequences of human behaviour that go well beyond those that can be obtained from modern genomic data or the fossil and archaeological records alone.

发育生物学(developmental biology)是生物科学重要的基础分支学科之一,研究内容是和许多其他学科内容相互渗透、错综联系,特别是和遗传学、细胞生物学、分子生物学的关系最为紧密。其应用现代科学技术和方法,从分子水平、亚显微水平和细胞水平来研究分析生物体从精子和卵的发生、受精、发育、生长直至衰老死亡的过程及其机理。