V3 小强谢 声望 5 临床医学与医学技术 2024-02-29 23:34:23 上传
USPTF Prostate Cancer Screening Recommendations— A Step in the Right Direction
The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is the most widely regarded source for information on US cancer screening. In 2012, the USPSTF gave prostate cancer screening a grade “D” recommendation, essentially guiding physicians and patients to discourage prostate cancer early detection.1 This recommendation may have had an adverse effect on prostate cancer incidence rates across risk groups, including potentially lethal cancers, and was widely decried by specialty and advocacy groups.2 The grade D recommendation was based on what is now known to be an incorrect interpretation of the clinical evidence supporting screening at the time and legitimate concerns about cancer overdetection and overtreatment (the detection and treatment of indolent cancers that would not have been a problem if left undiagnosed and untreated)
V3 小强谢 声望 5 临床医学与医学技术 2024-02-28 21:03:13 上传
Robot-assisted laparoscopic Y-V plasty in 12 patients with refractory bladder neck contracture
We present preliminary results of a case series on refractory bladder neck contracture (BNC) treated with robot-assisted laparoscopic Y-V plasty (RAYV). Between 01/2013 and 02/2016, 12 consecutive adult male patients underwent RAYV in our hospital. BNC developed after transurethral procedures (n = 9), simple prostatectomy (n = 2) and HIFU therapy of the prostate (n = 1). Each patient had had multiple unsuccessful previous endoscopic treatments. All RAYV procedures were performed using a transperitoneal six-port approach (four-arm robotic setting). There were no intraoperative or major postoperative complications. During a median follow-up of 23.2 months two cases of refractory BNC were observed. In both cases a postoperative International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) of 20 and 25 was reported, respectively. In contrast,amongst the patients without evidence of refractory BNC the median IPSS was 6.5 reflecting an only mildly impaired voiding function in most cases, thus, suggesting a treatment success in 83.3% of patients. To the best of our knowledge,this is the first report on RAYV for refractory BNC. In our series RAYV was feasible in all patients, and only two cases of refractory BNC were reported during a median follow-up of almost 2 years. At the same time, no intraoperative or major postoperative complications were observed. More clinical data with a longer follow-up are needed in this promising field to reveal the actual efficacy and relevance of RAYV

泌尿系统(2) 泌尿系统是排泄系统(Excretory system)的一部分,负责尿液的产生、运送、储存与排泄。泌尿系统包括左右两颗肾脏、左右两条输尿管、膀胱、内外两道括约肌,以及尿道。泌尿系统的主要功能为排泄。排泄是指机体代谢过程中所产生的各种不为机体所利用或者有害的物质向体外输送的生理过程。被排出的物质一部分是营养物质的代谢产物;另一部分是衰老的细胞破坏时所形成的产物。此外,排泄物中还包括一些随食物摄入的多余物质,如多余的水和无机盐类。