V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-21 09:02:02 上传
Comparing ecosystem and soil respiration: Review and key challenges of tower-based and soil measurements
The net ecosystem exchange (NEE) is the difference between ecosystem CO2 assimilation and CO2 losses to the atmosphere. Ecosystem respiration (Reco), the efflux of CO2 from the ecosystem to the atmosphere, includes the soil-to-atmosphere carbon flux (i.e., soil respiration; Rsoil) and aboveground plant respiration. Therefore, Rsoil is a fraction of Reco and theoretically has to be smaller than Reco at daily, seasonal, and annual scales. However, several studies estimating Reco with the eddy covariance technique and measuring Rsoil within the footprint of the tower have reported higher Rsoil than Reco at different time scales. Here, we compare four different and contrasting ecosystems (from forest to grasslands, and from boreal to semiarid) to test if measurements of Reco are consistently higher than Rsoil. In general, both fluxes showed similar temporal patterns, but Reco was not consistently higher than Rsoil from daily to annual scales across sites. We identified several issues that apply for measuring NEE and measuring/upscaling Rsoil that could result in an underestimation of Reco and/or an overestimation of Rsoil. These issues are discussed based on (a) nighttime measurements of NEE, (b) Rsoil measurements, and (c) the interpretation of the functional relationships of these fluxes with temperature (i.e., Q10). We highlight that there is still a need for better integration of Rsoil with eddy covariance measurements to address challenges related to the spatial and temporal variability of Reco and Rsoil.
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-20 09:18:01 上传
Effects of forest degradation on microbial communities and soil carbon cycling: A global meta-analysis
Aim: The aim was to explore how conversions of primary or secondary forests to plantations or agricultural systems influence soil microbial communities and soil carbon (C) cycling. Location: Global. Time period: 1993–2017. Major taxa studied: Soil microbes. Methods: A meta-analysis was conducted to examine effects of forest degradation on soil properties and microbial attributes related to microbial biomass, activity, community composition and diversity based on 408 cases from 119 studies in the world. Results: Forest degradation decreased the ratios of K-strategists to r-strategists (i.e., ratios of fungi to bacteria, Acidobacteria to Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria to Bacteroidetes and Acidobacteria1 Actinobacteria to Proteobacteria 1 Bacteroidetes). The response ratios (RRs) of the K-strategist to r-strategist ratios to forest degradation decreased and increased with increased RRs of soil pH and soil C to nitrogen ratio (C:N), respectively. Forest degradation increased the bacterial alpha-diversity indexes, of which the RRs increased and decreased as the RRs of soil pH and soil C:N increased, respectively. The overall RRs across all the forest degradation types ranked as microbial C (240.4%)> soil C (233.3%)> microbial respiration (218.9%)> microbial C to soil C ratio (qMBC; 215.9%), leading to the RRs of microbial respiration rate per unit microbial C (qCO2) and soil C decomposition rate (respiration rate per unit soil C), on average, increasing by 143.2 and 125.0%, respectively. Variances of the RRs of qMBC and qCO2 were significantly explained by the soil C, soil C:N and mean annual precipitation. Main conclusions: Forest degradation consistently shifted soil microbial community compositions from K-strategist dominated to r-strategist dominated, altered soil properties and stimulated microbial activity and soil C decomposition. These results are important for modelling the soil C cycling under projected global land-use changes and provide supportive evidence for applying the macroecology theory on ecosystem succession and disturbance in soil microbial ecology
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-19 18:28:56 上传
Three years of soil respiration in a mature eucalypt woodland exposed to atmospheric CO2 enrichment
The rate of CO2 diffusion from soils to the atmosphere (soil CO2 efflux, soil respiration; Rsoil) reflects the integrated activity of roots and microbes and is among the largest fluxes of the terrestrial global C cycle. Most experiments have demonstrated that Rsoil increases by 20–35% following the exposure of an ecosystem to an atmosphere enriched in CO2 (i.e., eCO2), but such experiments have largely been performed in young and N-limited ecosystems. Here, we exposed a mature and phosphorus-limited eucalypt woodland to eCO2 and measured Rsoil across three full years with a combination of manual surveys and automated measurements. We also implemented an empirical model describing the dependence of Rsoil on volumetric soil water content (h) and soil temperature (Tsoil) to produce annual Rsoil flux estimates. Rsoil varied strongly with Tsoil, h, and precipitation in complex and interacting ways. The realized long-term (weeks to years) temperature dependence (Q10) of Rsoil increased from * 1.6 at low h up to * 3 at high h. Additionally, Rsoil responded strongly and rapidly to precipitation events in a manner that depended on the conditions of h and Tsoil at the beginning of the rain event; Rsoil increased by up to 300% within 30 min when rain fell on dry soil that had not experience rain in the preceding week, but Rsoil was rapidly reduced by up to 70% when rain fell on wet soil, leading to flooding. Repeated measures analysis of Rsoil observations over 3 years indicated no significant change in response to CO2 enrichment (P = 0.7), and elevated CO2 did not alter the dependence of Rsoil on Tsoil or h. However, eCO2 increased Rsoil observations by * 10% under some constrained and moderate environmental conditions. Annual Rsoil flux sums estimated with an empirical model were * 7% higher in eCO2 plots than in aCO2 plots, but this difference was not statistically significant. The lack of a large eCO2 effect on Rsoil is consistent with recent evidence that aboveground net primary production was not stimulated by eCO2 in this ecosystem. The C budget of this mature woodland may be less affected by eCO2 than Responsible Editor: Egbert Matzner. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-018-0457-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. J. E. Drake  C. A. Macdonald  M. G. Tjoelker  P. B. Reich  B. K. Singh  I. C. Anderson  D. S. Ellsworth Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia J. E. Drake (&) Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, 1 Forestry Dr, Syracuse, NY, USA e-mail: jedrake@esf.edu P. B. Reich Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA 123 Biogeochemistry https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-018-0457-7the young N-limited ecosystems that have been studied previously.
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-19 02:30:07 上传
The temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil respiration: controlling factors and spatial prediction at regional scale based on environmental soil classes
The temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic soil respiration is crucial for modeling carbon dynamics but it is variable. Presently, however, most models employ a fixed value of 1.5 or 2.0 for the increase of soil respiration per 10°C increase in temperature (Q10). Here, we identified the variability of Q10 at a regional scale (Rur catchment, Germany/Belgium/Netherlands). We divided the study catchment into environmental soil classes (ESC), which we define as unique combinations of land use, aggregated soil groups, and texture. We took nine soil samples from each ESC (108 samples) and incubated them at four soil moisture levels and five temperatures (5–25°C). We hypothesized that Q10 variability is controlled by soil organic carbon (SOC) degradability and soil moisture and that ESC can be used as a widely available proxy for Q10, owing to differences in SOC degradability. Measured Q10 values ranged from 1.2 to 2.8 and were correlated with indicators of SOC degradability (e.g., pH, r=-0.52). The effect of soil moisture on Q10 was variable: Q10 increased with moisture in croplands, but decreased in forests. The ESC captured significant parts of Q10 variability under dry (R²=0.44) and intermediate (R²=0.36) moisture conditions, where Q10 increased in the order cropland
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-18 09:53:49 上传
Factors controlling soil microbial respiration during the growing season in a mature larch plantation in Northern Japa
Purpose Soil microbes contribute significantly to soil respiration (SR) in boreal forests; however, there is limited knowledge on microbial contributions from long field investigations. The objective of this study was to estimate soil microbial respiration, as well as its primary controlling factors, for a period of three consecutive years. Materials and methods A trenching method was used to distinguish soil microbial respiration (RMic) in a 55-year-old mature Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) plantation in Northern Japan; the soil in which developed originally from volcanic soils containing pumice. We used a portable CO2 detection system to measure the soil respiration rate during the growing season. Environmental factors, soil physiochemical characteristics, and soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MBC and MBN) were analyzed to explain the seasonal variations of SR and RMic. Results and discussion The results showed that the estimated contribution of soil microbes to SR was 78, 62, and 55% during the three successive years, respectively. Respiration attributable to decomposition of aboveground litter contributed approximately 19% to SR. The major environmental factor that affected RMic was soil temperature at 5 cm depth, which accounted for more than 70% of the seasonal variation in RMic observed. There were close relations among MBC, MBN, and soil water content, but the soil water content showed no significant relation with RMic. Conclusions The RMic to SR varied from 78 to 55% following 3 years of trenching treatments. Our results demonstrated the important role of soil microbes on soil respiration in this larch forest. Soil temperature was the major positive factor that influenced RMic, while soil water content had no significant effect. Global warming will increase the loss of C into the atmosphere by increasing the RMic, and could accelerate climate change.
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-18 03:44:18 上传
Partitioning soil respiration: quantifying the artifacts of the trenching method
Total soil respiration (Rt) is a combination of autotrophic (Ra) and heterotrophic respiration (Rh). Root exclusion methods, such as soil trenching, are often utilized to separate these components. This method involves severing the rooting system surrounding a plot to remove the Ra component. However, soil trenching has potential limitations including (1) reduced water uptake in trenched plots that increases soil water content, which is one of the environmental controllers of Rt in many ecosystems, and (2) increased available carbon substrate for Rh caused by recently severed dead roots. We present a methodology that utilizes a bayesian modeling framework to quantify the magnitude of artifacts from a large trenching manipulation experiment. Thus methodology corrects Rh and Ra observations at daily to seasonal time scales. This study finds that the artifacts, due to recently severed roots, persist over a 2 years study period and the artifacts due to altered soil moisture had the greatest impact during drought conditions.
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-16 12:07:51 上传
Partitioning of the net CO2 exchange using an automated chamber system reveals plant phenology as key control of production and respiration fluxes in a boreal peatland
The net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) drives the carbon (C) sink-source strength of northern peatlands. Since NEE represents a balance between various production and respiration fluxes, accurate predictions of its response to global changes require an in depth understanding of these underlying processes. Currently, however, detailed information of the temporal dynamics as well as the separate biotic and abiotic controls of the NEE component fluxes is lacking in peatland ecosystems. In this study, we address this knowledge gap by using an automated chamber system established across natural and trenching-/vegetation removal plots to partition NEE into its production (i.e. gross and net primary production; GPP and NPP) and respiration (i.e. ecosystem, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration; ER, Rh and Ra) fluxes in a boreal peatland in northern Sweden. Our results showed that daily NEE patterns were driven by GPP while variations in ER were governed by Ra rather than Rh. Moreover, we observed pronounced seasonal shifts in the Ra/Rh and above-/belowground NPP ratios throughout the main phenological phases. Generalized linear model analysis revealed that the greenness index derived from digital images (as a proxy for plant phenology) was the strongest control of NEE, GPP and NPP while explaining considerable fractions also in the variations of ER and Ra. In addition, our data exposed greater temperature sensitivity of NPP compared to Rh resulting in enhanced C sequestration with increasing temperature. Overall, our study suggests that the temporal patterns in NEE and its component fluxes are tightly coupled to vegetation dynamics in boreal peatlands and thus challenges previous studies that commonly identify abiotic factors as key drivers. These findings further emphasize the need for integrating detailed information on plant phenology into process-based models to improve predictions of global change impacts on the peatland C cycle
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-15 16:02:19 上传
Different winter soil respiration between two mid-temperate plantation forests
Larch and Chinese pine plantation forests are important carbon (C) sinks in the temperate regions, especially in China. However, their soil respiration in winter is still poorly studied. Here we explored the different microbial characteristics and winter soil respiration in larch and Chinese pine plantation forests in northeastern China, which has similar climate and basic soil characteristics. Results showed that both mean and cumulative winter soil CO2 fluxes were significantly higher in Chinese pine forest (0.45 µmol m−2 s−1 and 46.39 g C m−2, respectively) than in larch forest (0.25 µmol m−2 s−1 and 25.92 g C m−2, respectively). Snow depth and inorganic nitrogen (N) could not explain the differences in winter soil respiration between the two sites. Instead, Chinese pine forest had higher soil microbial biomass, fungi abundance, F/B (ratio of fungi to bacteria), and extracellular enzymatic activities (EEAs) than larch forest, which could lead to higher winter soil respiration in Chinese pine forest than in larch forest. Our findings indicated that the thermal insulation effect of litter cover was important to winter soil respiration, especially when the snow cover depth was less than 30 cm. Soil microbes played a more important role in soil respiration than soil nutrient status and should be carefully considered for better estimation of the C budget in different forest ecosystems. Although soil respiration was higher in Chinese pine forest, soil organic C content was also higher, suggesting its better C sequestration capacity than larch forest.
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-15 09:21:37 上传
Responses of soil respiration to soil management changes in an agropastoral ecotone in Inner Mongolia, China
Studying the responses of soil respiration (Rs) to soil management changes is critical for enhancing our understanding of the global carbon cycle and has practical implications for grassland management. Therefore, the objectives of this study were (1) quantify daily and seasonal patterns of Rs, (2) evaluate the influence of abiotic factors on Rs, and (3) detect the effects of soil management changes on Rs. We hypothesized that (1) most of daily and seasonal variation in Rs could be explained by soil temperature (Ts) and soil water content (S w), (2) soil management changes could significantly affect Rs, and (3) soil management changes affected Rs via the significant change in abiotic and biotic factors. In situ R s values were monitored in an agropastoral ecotone in Inner Mongolia, China, during the growing seasons in 2009 (August to October) and 2010 (May to October). The soil management changes sequences included free grazing grassland (FG), cropland (CL), grazing enclosure grassland (GE), and abandoned cultivated grassland (AC). During the growing season in 2010, cumulative Rs for FG, CL, GE, and AC averaged 265.97, 344.74, 236.70, and 226.42 gC m−2 year−1, respectively. The T s and Sw significantly influenced Rs and explained 66%–86% of the variability in daily Rs. Monthly mean temperature and precipitation explained 78%–96% of the variability in monthly Rs. The results clearly showed that Rs was increased by 29% with the conversion of FG to CL and decreased by 35% and 11% with the conversion of CL to AC and FG to GE. The factors impacting the change in Rs under different soil management changes sequences varied. Our results confirm the tested hypotheses. The increase in Q10 and litter biomass induced by conversion of FG to GE could lead to increased R s if the climate warming. We suggest that after proper natural restoration period, grasslands should be utilized properly to decrease Rs.
V4 竹林风 声望 45 森林资源类 2024-03-14 10:57:34 上传
Nitrogen fertilization stimulated soil heterotrophic but not autotrophic respiration in cropland soils: A greater role of organic over inorganic fertilizer
Nitrogen (N) enrichment may have considerable effects on soil carbon (C) fluxes. However, the responses of soil respiration (Rs) and especially its heterotrophic (Rh) and autotrophic (Ra) components to N fertilization remain controversial, and evidence on the impacts of N form and addition rate is lacking. We conducted a field experiment in a maize cropland in northeast China to investigate the responses of Rs, Rh, and Ra to different inorganic (IN) and/or organic (ON) N fertilization regimes, including no N addition (CK) and five N-fertilized treatments with a gradient ratio of IN to ON at 4:0 (IN4), 3:1 (IN3), 2:2 (IN2), 1:3 (IN1), and 0:4 (IN0). Annual Rs was higher in the N-fertilized treatments than CK, but only significantly so for IN1. Fertilization increased Rh from 118 to 123–149 g C m−2 with significant effects observed in all ON-fertilized treatments. However, fertilization did not affect Ra which varied at a range of 63–71 g C m−2. Rh was suppressed by excessive supply of ammonium and nitrate which was more effectively increased by IN than ON fertilization, but always increased with increasing extractable organic N and dissolved organic C which were higher in the treatments applied with more ON. Accordingly, a greater role of ON over IN fertilization was found in stimulating Rh. Rs (2.76–3.81) and Rh (2.67–3.28) had higher Q10 values than Ra (1.51–2.05). Application of N fertilizer, especially IN, enhanced the Q10 value of Ra, but decreased those of Rs and Rh. Unexpectedly, grain yield and aboveground biomass were reduced by IN fertilization, but increased with increasing ON fertilizer application rate. Overall, our findings highlight the significance of the form and addition rate of N fertilizer on soil C cycling and its feedback to climate change under N enrichment.
